
The Kestrels class is our class of Year 1 and Year 2 children. They are taught by Mr Wilkinson, with the support of teaching assistants Mrs Harris and Mrs Wilkinson. Mrs Fuller and Mrs Newell also support children in this class.  This class is busy, organised and filled with enthusiastic learners!

The children are taught a two-year rolling programme of work in this class. Maths, Phonics, Reading and Writing are taught daily. 

Year A (odd-even years) Year B (even to odd years)


The children are historians, artists and scientists, as this term gets them investigating materials, developing their colour-mixing skills and exploring the events of the Great Fire of London. 

In and Around Avening

As historians and geographers, the children find out more about our local area. As scientists, they investigate seasonal changes. As artists, they look at landscapes and work with textiles. 


Saints, Castles and a Dragon

The children are historians and learn about castles around the UK. They deepen their geographical knowledge learning about the UK. As artists, they use clay to make a dragon eye. 


As historians, the children find out about famous people in history. As designers, the children design and make their own superhero wheeled vehicle. 


A Rainforest Adventure

This term, the children are scientists as they learn more about plants and animals. As geographers, they compare our local area with an area of Brazil. 

Dens and Dandelions

This term, we are out and about, learning about our natural world as scientist and geographers, and exploring nature as artists. 


 Computing, RE, PSHE, PE and Music are also taught across the terms. See Curriculum pages for further information on content of all subjects.